S&P 500 Repeating Pattern From 2007 Before It Dropped 66%

History and chart analysis gives investors insights into future moves. Pattern recognition is a key part of technical analysis. Ultimately, good technical traders and investors can put probability heavily in their favor by analyzing data. This is what Verified Investing is all about.
The S&P is putting in a pattern that is almost identical to the pattern formed back in 2007, before the financial crisis. In 2007, the stock market dropped by 11% before quickly recovering, just like it has done this time. In 2007, the S&P rallied up to make a slightly higher all-time high before collapsing 66% during the financial crisis.
This implies the S&P 500 will make a new all-time high, breaking the hearts of the bears, while energizing the bulls. However, it will be a bull trap, tricking investors. If the pattern continues to play out, the S&P 500 is due for a major collapse in the coming 12-18 months.
Note the chart above that shows the similarities between 2024 and 2007.