Advanced Trader Insights

Keys To The Service

  • Chart analysis, education, fundamental info
  • Investors aiming to optimize their strategies
  • Low price point with all Verified Pros participating
  • Powerful support and resistance chart patterns
  • Analysis on macro, stocks, crypto, commodities and more
  • Techniques on money management and chart psychology

Discover The Service

Advanced Trader News and Analysis service provides content to up your trading and investing game. This has all Verified Pros posting at least once a day a chart pattern, technique, support/resistance level, trade setup or education on stocks, crypto, commodities and macro data. Investors looking for a service that gives insight, ideas and analysis at a low price point, Advanced Trader News and Analysis is right for you.

The goal is to find actionable chart patterns that might play out or interesting patterns that empower traders with valuable information for informed decision-making across various markets.


Who Is Advanced Trader News and Analysis Intended For?

  • Traders who are looking for advanced techniques and analysis at a low price point.
  • Investors who are looking to use technical analysis to pinpoint optimal levels for trading and investing.
  • Anyone who is trying to enhance their trading skills and education.


Key Features of Advanced Trader News and Analysis

  • Chart patterns that are powerful
  • Support and resistance zones
  • Technical indicators such as RSI, moving averages that identify actionable levels for trading
  • Techniques on money management.
  • Macro data analysis
  • Fundamental insights
  • The psychology behind the charts