Smart Money Trade Alerts: Stocks & Etfs - Closed Positions

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Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
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Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
Smart Money: Stocks & ETFs Trade Alerts - Closed Positions
Stocks Long/Short Entry Date Average Entry Price Exit Price Exit Date Profit %
* Portfolio returns are based on a conservative average portfolio allocation of 4% per swing trade.


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