Economic Charts

Understanding M2 Money Supply And How It Has Changed
Verified Investing
Published: Jul 21, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
Understanding M2 Money Supply And How It Has Changed
M2 is a measure of the money supply that includes cash, checking deposits, and easily convertible near money. Components of M2... [Read More]
Bank Of Japan Intervenes In Currency Markets Twice
Verified Investing
Published: Jul 16, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
Bank Of Japan Intervenes In Currency Markets Twice
The Japanese Central Bank likely intervened in the currency markets, strengthening the Yen against the Dollar. It appears they timed it perfectly to coincide with the release of the CPI data on ... [Read More]
US Tech Stocks Continue To Diverge From China, Brazil
Verified Investing
Published: Jul 14, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
US Tech Stocks Continue To Diverge From China, Brazil
Money continues to flood into U.S. equities as stocks like Nvidia, Microsoft and Apple are the favored ones. Tech in China and Brazil have been left behind in an astonishing way. This gap... [Read More]
History: Yield Curve Inversion Should Worry Investors
Verified Investing
Published: Jul 06, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
History: Yield Curve Inversion Should Worry Investors
The yield curve is generally measured by the difference between the 2 year yield and the 10 year yield. In a 'normal' economy, the longer duration of a bond, the more interest an investor will d... [Read More]
90 Day Delinquency Alert: Credit Card Non Payment Spikes
Verified Investing
Published: Jun 29, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
90 Day Delinquency Alert: Credit Card Non Payment Spikes
In another sign the U.S. economy is struggling, delinquency rates of over 90 days on credit cards jumped to its highest level since 2012 in data from the first quarter 2024. The number came in a... [Read More]
Shocking: 401K Plans Saw 40% Increase In Hardship Withdrawals
Verified Investing
Published: Jun 29, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
Shocking: 401K Plans Saw 40% Increase In Hardship Withdrawals
Americans are struggling and the data continues to reinforce it. The latest stats show that there was a 40% increase in hardship withdrawals from 401... [Read More]
Insider Buying And Selling Report
Verified Investing
Published: Jun 23, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
Insider Buying And Selling Report
Insider buying and selling can alert investors to how insiders feel about the stock in their company. Historically, heavy insider selling has marked the top on the stock market and heavy insider... [Read More]
The Middle Class Continue To Shrink, Inflation Crushing People
Verified Investing
Published: Jun 23, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
The Middle Class Continue To Shrink, Inflation Crushing People
Over the last two decades, those that fall into the middle income bracket are the only group to shrink. The high earnings are gaining and more Americans are falling into the low income bracket.<... [Read More]
Consumer Credit Card Debt Continues To Soar
Verified Investing
Published: Jun 16, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
Consumer Credit Card Debt Continues To Soar
During Covid, the savings rate jumped and consumer credit card debt dropped. However, since that period of lockdown the savings rate has plunged and credit card debt is at an all-time high of $1... [Read More]
Six Companies Now Make Up Over 30% of the S&P 500
Verified Investing
Published: Jun 09, 2024 | Author: Verified Investing
Six Companies Now Make Up Over 30% of the S&P 500
The mega caps keep growing. Microsoft, Nvidia, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon and Meta now make up more than 30% of the S&P 500. This is unprecedented in history. Too big to fail does not ap... [Read More]