U.S. Economic Insights for Traders & Investors – page- 3

U.S. Economic Metrics

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Delving Into The Stats: Unemployed Worldwide Continues To Spike
Delving Into The Stats: Unemployed Worldwide Continues To Spike
As good as the world appears to be doing by the headlines in the media, unemployment worldwide continues to rise. This can be seen in the chart above, up nearly 100% since 1991 from 115 million to ...[Read More]
Published At: Oct 20, 2024
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Economic Insights: US Unemployment Rate
Economic Insights: US Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate in the United States currently stands at 3.90%. This is slightly higher than the previous month. In addition, the unemploymen...[Read More]
Published At: Jun 02, 2024
Economic Data: Job Openings (JOLTS) Data And Chart
Economic Data: Job Openings (JOLTS) Data And Chart
The Job Openings (JOLTS) data shows investors the relative strength of the economy. The higher the number, the more labor is in demand and stronger...[Read More]
Published At: Jun 01, 2024
Monetary Policy And Gov Spending: United States Debt-To-GDP
Monetary Policy And Gov Spending: United States Debt-To-GDP
U.S. debt-to-GDP has started to climb again, now hitting 121.62% as of the end of 2024. In reality, it is likely closer to 130% now as we are near ...[Read More]
Published At: May 26, 2024
Concerning Facts: Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Analysis
Concerning Facts: Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Analysis
The U.S public debt sits at over $34.5 trillion. This is a whopping number by itself but Americans must also add the current balance sheet of the F...[Read More]
Published At: May 19, 2024
Job Openings In Consistent Decline For The Last 18 Months
Job Openings In Consistent Decline For The Last 18 Months
Job openings (JOLTS) economic data for the last 18 months has been consistently declining. This means there are less jobs per unemployed job seeker...[Read More]
Published At: Apr 27, 2024
Monthly Non Farm Payrolls Don't Tell The Whole Story
Monthly Non Farm Payrolls Don't Tell The Whole Story
The Non Farm Payrolls (Jobs Report) has stayed strong, surprising the stock market and economists. However, this can be misleading as it does not t...[Read More]
Published At: Apr 27, 2024
US Economic Metrics: U-6 Unemployment Keeps Rising
U-6 Unemployment Keeps Rising
While the Unemployment Rate remains near-historic lows, the U-6 Unemployment rate has been rising for nearly 18 months. U-6 unemployment are people...[Read More]
Published At: Apr 27, 2024
GDP Stats (Quarter over Quarter)
GDP Stats (Quarter over Quarter)
GDP for the first quarter of 2024 fell sharply, coming in at 1.60% vs the expected 2.5%. The previous quarter (fourth quarter 2023) was 3.4%. This ...[Read More]
Published At: Apr 27, 2024
U-6 Unemployment Report
U-6 Unemployment Report
The U-6 Unemployment report shows how many people are under-employed. Meaning they were cut from full-time to part-time or someone could only find ...[Read More]
Published At: Apr 14, 2024
US Non Farm Payrolls Report
US Non Farm Payrolls Report
The US Non Farm Payrolls report continues to show a robust employment picture. However, we continue to see the government hiring a massive amount o...[Read More]
Published At: Apr 14, 2024